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  • Downdraft tables
  • Suctioning walls and painting booths
  • Compact and mobile dust collectors
  • Cartridge dust collectors
  • Baghouse dust collectors
  • Candle filters, cyclones, and spark separators
  • Rotary Filters
  • Fume and mist extractors
  • Activated carbon, HEPA and pocket filtering systems
  • Scrubber
  • Pneumatic conveying and big bag emptying stations
  • Aeromechanics

Pneumatic conveying and big bag emptying stations

Pneumatic conveying finds numerous applications due to its significant advantages in handling powdered materials, even between distant points.

Big bag emptying stations enable all operations related to the management of materials contained in big bags. They are equipped with pneumatic or mechanical conveyors and feeders, or designed for the integration of such components.