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  • Downdraft tables
  • Suctioning walls and painting booths
  • Compact and mobile dust collectors
  • Cartridge dust collectors
  • Baghouse dust collectors
  • Candle filters, cyclones, and spark separators
  • Rotary Filters
  • Fume and mist extractors
  • Activated carbon, HEPA and pocket filtering systems
  • Scrubber
  • Pneumatic conveying and big bag emptying stations
  • Aeromechanics


The CPC fume extraction hood is designed for the extraction and purification of fumes, gases, and vapors from laboratory operations, facilitating the handling of potentially toxic substances. The hood protects both the operator and the work environment from chemical risks by containing hazardous fumes, gases, and vapors.

It features a working chamber under negative pressure with forced extraction. It is constructed from bolted galvanized sheet metal panels, forming a self-supporting structure. It includes a control unit for managing functionalities and alarms. The control unit is positioned above the hood, connected to the machine body, while the Touch Screen is located on the left side of the utility deflector.

The airflow, drawn in by the external fan or from a centralized system, enters the working chamber through the front opening defined by the screen and work surface. The air flows through the entire internal volume of the working chamber and is directed, via flow recovery mechanisms, to the discharge connection on the hood's roof. The fumes are then expelled into the atmosphere through a filtration and/or abatement device.

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